Concept of the App
Love Alarm (Korean: 좋아하면 울리는) is a South Korean streaming television series starring Kim So-hyun, Jung Ga-ram and Song Kang. Based on the Daum webtoon of the same name by Chon Kye-young, it follows the life of a high school girl in a society greatly influenced by a mobile app capable of notifying whether someone within their vicinity has romantic feelings for them.

The Existence
Love Alarm revolves around the technology that syncs with users' hearts, measures love interests within a certain radius, and notifies users when someone nearby loves them, no guesswork, no awkward first dates, and certainly no cringy rejections either. As exciting as it may sound, this technology hardly existed in real life, at least not until now.
The Love alarm first version still exists, but requires manually ringing the alarm not based on the users available nearby you.

In order to sync your heart in reality with the app, a hardware device is required to detect that just like smart watches. This allows the user to carry it with them every time.
Additionally, it can be inconvenient and uncomfortable to use and affect the volition in many ways. Therefore, it is often not a viable option for many users.
The Creation
We have come up with a solution with just one tap ringing, a step close to the love alarm concept where you just have to choose the person whose alarm you want to ring.
The Love Alarm 2.0, however, uses GPS technology to track the location of users and sends an alert if someone within 10m radius loves you. With this new technology, users can find potential love matches more easily and quickly.
It allows you to choose the person that you like with your volition. That means it allows users to make informed decisions about who they choose to pursue, rather than relying on chance meetings or the opinion of the app.

Who We are?
We are part of Delanki, a product development startup company, founded in 2023. We specialize in developing cutting-edge software products that solve everyday problems. Our team consists of engineers, designers, and entrepreneurs with a passion for innovation and creating products that make a difference. We are constantly pushing our limits and developing groundbreaking products that exceed customer expectations. We strive for excellence and are committed to creating products that can make a positive impact on the world.

Our mission is to create innovative products and services that solve real world problems. We strive to make products that are simple and intuitive to use and affordable for everyone.